Custom Gift Hand Forged The Viking Pizza slicer is made from D2 high carbon steel.

$98 $250
Behold, the ultimate pizza cutting ax, designed and manufactured exclusively for all pizza cutters. Holy hand grenade pizza cutter ax. It's designed to work like an ulu knife, so when you cut your pizza, the toppings stay in place without the hassle of cleaning the wheels. Pizza Ax has seen many improvements since its initial launch in early 2020. The handle has been upgraded from rosewood to English ash, rosewood is also unsustainable in the long term. The blade started out as high carbon steel which requires a lot of care, now it is 440 stainless steel which is much easier to keep clean and much more kitchen friendly. The original etching was done with acid and is now done with a laser which is much cleaner and deeper. This pizza ax has reached its final form, a stunning looking kitchen utensil made and refined to fit the purpose perfectly. Originally designed by our very own Sam I'm, the Pizza Ax is, in our very biased opinion, by far the best and largest pizza cutting tool on the market.

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